Monday, September 5, 2011

Carsen's Big Adventures

Carsen has been on alot of adventures this summer! We started off on his first vacation to Cannon Beach with the Idler family then headed down to Brookings, Oregon to meet his Aunt Chelsie and Uncle Jarrod then he continued up the Oregon coast with his Grams, Gramps, and Mommy. Finally he finished his summer adventures up at Sequim with the Llewellyn family. Here are some pictures!

Our first walk as a family in our neighborhood 2 weeks old!

Cannon Beach 3 weeks 5 days old!

 Meeting his Aunt Chels 4 weeks old

Daddy and Son 8 weeks old at Sequim

Carsen and Grams
8 weeks old!

Pictures got mixed up so we're back at Cannon Beach 4 weeks old!

4 weeks!

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Sunday, July 17, 2011

Many Faces of Carsen James

We've been having lots of fun taking pictures of my little man and his many facial expressions! Here are a few for you to enjoy!

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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Introducing Carsen James

Wow! I can't believe Carsen James is here!! We are so excited! He arrived Saturday July 9, 2011  at 1:54am. He weighed 7lbs 12oz and 20in long. Many people have been asking about the birth story! Here is goes... 
Friday night Jeremy and I were just hanging out at home watching America's Got Talent when I felt really sick to my stomach. I was running towards the bathroom getting sick and I felt a huge GUSH my first thought was like seriously I just peed my pants that bad... then I realized there is NO way I could have peed that much! haha So i knew it was my water. Contractions started immediately and they were very intense and 2-3 minutes apart.  I called my parents and told them my water had broke but just stay at home for a bit since it would probably be a while. I was going to take my time and shower but the contractions were getting so intense we just headed to the hospital. At the hospital we got checked in and I couldn't even get checked in without several contractions which prolonged the process. Finally they got me into the triage room to hook me up to a monitor, confirm my water had broken and then check and see if they would admit me. We were sitting in there being monitored and the contractions were definitely about 2 minutes apart and continued to increase in intensity. A few minutes later I stated throwing up the contractions were so bad, I asked the nurse 'Isn't this a sign of transition' she said no its just the pain probably. Finally they got me into my own room and were trying to start the IV but the contractions were so bad and so close together they couldn't get it in. The resident doctor came in to do an ultrasound to confirm head down but couldn't even get that done the contractions were one on top of the other. I was asking for an epidural and they were trying to get my IV in so that would be possible about 30 seconds after that I started saying I have to push! They were like no you don't... I started to push so the resident checked me and sure enough I was complete and the baby was crowning. Jeremy was calling our parents saying they better hurry because the baby was crowning, my parents live an hour away luckily they had headed over but they were still about 25 minutes away! Jeremy's parents were still home but arrived around the same time as my parents! 22 minutes later he was out!! He was perfect they immediately put him on my chest and he started screaming! It was such a whirl wind not what I pictured at all but even though I felt every thing I wouldn't change a thing! My labor was exactly 3 hours long! The nurses all were teasing me that I will need to move into the hospital 2 weeks before my due date and Jeremy said he hoped he paid close enough attention in case he needed to deliver our next baby on the side of the road! Craziness... now without further ado here is my perfect little miracle!! 
This was right after they put him on my chest... I still couldn't believe he was here already!

Aunt Julie came down on her lunch during work to meet her nephew!
My parents (actually no one) made it to the hospital before he was born but they were waiting to come in soon!

Hi first bath!!
Look how cute he is!! I can't believe it!

little burrito!
 Proud daddy and his boy!

 So tired but so in love!!

 Yeah! It was really a boy!
 Great Grandma loving her first great grand child!
 First family photo!

Going home from the hospital!
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About This Blog

We are Jeremy and Cassie Idler est. 11.11.06. We live in Redondo, Washington. Cassie is a teacher and aspiring photographer and Jeremy is an airplane propeller mechanic. We have 2 adorable puppies and we pray God blesses us with a family one day.

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