Wednesday, February 24, 2010


This week I have been spending a lot of time out in the garden. The sunshine mixed with warmer temperatures is making me look forward to summer! It feels like Spring already, I am so anxious to get my vegetables in the ground, to pass the time I have been doing a lot of other planting, pruning, moving and beautifying. I remember when I was younger and my mom would always want to garden I never could understand why she enjoyed it so much, now I am beginning to get it. There is something about being outside planting new life and making things beautiful that is just so invigorating.

I recently discovered Rain Tree Nursery. It’s a online/catalog nursery that ships you the plants at a very reasonable cost. This last week I ordered several things: 5 raspberry plants, 1 hydrangea, 1 Wisteria, 1 climbing rose bush, and a rosemary plant. Yesterday, I went out and planted almost everything I cannot wait until everything starts to bloom and I can see the results of my hard work!


About This Blog

We are Jeremy and Cassie Idler est. 11.11.06. We live in Redondo, Washington. Cassie is a teacher and aspiring photographer and Jeremy is an airplane propeller mechanic. We have 2 adorable puppies and we pray God blesses us with a family one day.

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