Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentines day

It was 4 years ago today Jeremy and I spent our first Valentines day together after just 6 weeks of dating he told me he loved me for the first time! Little did we know we were going to married a 9 months later :) Today was one of the best days we didn't do anything extravagant we just were together and that was all that mattered today!
We had quite the Valentines Day weekend, it was packed full. Friday we had a middle school girls basketball outing. We started out at our house for dinner then headed up to UW to watch the Husky women take on Stanford. The Huskies got killed, Stanford is the best team in the pac-10 this year so it was fun to watch them! Saturday we did our Valentines Day Run then went to a concert followed by thai food at home and a trip to Dairy Queen.
Actual Valentines was very chill and relaxing. We slept in got up went to Starbucks, ran some other errands, went to B&E meats to pick up dinner (and Jeremy's present from me... what was it??... Teriyaki Turkey Jerky and a giant pickle... thats right the key to Jeremy's heart today was through his stomach..haha), Jeremy then took me to Fernery's Nursery.
I didn't want a bouquet of flowers this year I really have been wanting some new plants for my garden, so we got there and he told me to pick out whatever I wanted. I got a few more plants to add to my garden that I made in honor of my dear Auntie Pam that passed away last April. The garden started out with just 3 plants a camilla bush, Vanilla Sarcococca, and a Lenten Rose. I added another Lenten Rose as well as a Daphne Odora Marginata, They both are absolutely gorgeous. The Daphne plant is so fragrant. Jeremy dug out the garden more so I had more room to add my new plants. I know to some a garden is not exactly the way you remember a loved one, but the last years of her life my aunt and I spent several outings plant shopping she was helping me with my garden at my new house, so I am making my garden beautiful cause that was our goal.
Finally we ended the evening relaxing and having a nice dinner! Here are some photos to remember the day....



About This Blog

We are Jeremy and Cassie Idler est. 11.11.06. We live in Redondo, Washington. Cassie is a teacher and aspiring photographer and Jeremy is an airplane propeller mechanic. We have 2 adorable puppies and we pray God blesses us with a family one day.

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