Nursery Take 2
Well I am getting comments about how 'fast' we turned the nursery around to a boy nursery. Before we knew what we were having I had both nursery's planned out. I always knew i wanted birdies for a girl and vintage airplanes for a boy. Jeremy works on airplane propellers for a living so it was only fitting. We didn't have to change that much just bedding and wall decorations. Luckily when we were picking a wall color I made a joke about we better go with green just in case its not a girl... haha little did I know! I had the wooden shelf, hooks, and 2 airplanes for years and my sister and I spent the week repainting them to match the bedding. Jeremy cut out the propeller that has 'Carsen' hanging from it. He did a great job especially since he had never done any woodworking before. My mom and sister were amazing they ran around getting stuff for the nursery last week. Jeremy hung everything and painted alot of the stuff for me! I just supervised everything, I'm getting good at that these days!! :) Anyway here it is...
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