23 weeks...
Well I am 23 weeks ... crazy to think that Catelynn will be here in just a few months! I have been told 'countless' times this week that I have definitely started to 'pop.' I feel like i have been growing everyday! The other night Jeremy got home from work and I gave him and hug and he said "Honey your belly is sticking out into me... you've really let yourself go!" He then started laughing and I started chasing trying to snap him with my dish towel. He was definitely kidding just so everyone knows... between him and my brother they always remind me of my growing belly. My bro, Will likes to call me fatty like the guys did to Pheobe on 'Friends.' I find it amusing now but I'm sure soon I will actually feel like 'fatty' but in the mean time I'm enjoying the blessing of carrying this lil girl! Here is my picture from this week... and a side by side from a few weeks ago and this week!
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